Kurandza's Top Ten Goals for 2018


A few weeks ago we shared our Impact Report thus far, and, as inspiring as it is to look back on what we've been able to accomplish with the help of our supporters, we are even more excited to look forwardWe are almost a month into 2018 and we think it's the perfect time to keep the momentum of a new year going by making our goals public.

Whether you're new to Kurandza, a Giveback Partner, a donor for our #IStandForGirls campaign or anything in between, we hope you're inspired and encouraged by our goals. AND we would love to invite you to join us in making them a reality!

In 2018 we plan to:

1. DOUBLE the Impact of our #IStandForGirls2018 Campaign 

As many of you know (because you were a part of it!) in 2017, we raised funds to give school scholarships tomore than 100 girls. Through your support, these girls received not only school fees, but everything they need to thrive during and after school as well! The girls will begin school in February, and soon, you'll get to see your donations in action. For 2018, we plan to more than double the number of girls we send to school via the #IStandForGirls2018 Campaign!

(If you'd like to join the launch team for this year's campaign, click here!)

2. Support our Partner Pre-School

One of our partner schools, the pre-school we partner with in Southern Mozambique, is in desperate need of a face lift. This year, we plan to build new dormitories and bathrooms for them, as well as repaint the classrooms.

3. Add to our list of products sold by our Sewing Cooperative

Our very first program in Mozambique is still in action. Despite a few recent setbacks to the cooperative's equipment, we plan to add more funding for this project to keep it growing. For 2018, we hope to expand the product line, adding more types of totes, handbags, clutches and more. This cooperative provides a sustainable income for the women employed, so expanding with new products means more income for these ladies!

4. Employ even more women in the community

Our sewing cooperative isn't the only way we've created jobs in Guijรก. We're always looking for new ways to employ the women in the community. We are hoping to give even more women the opportunity to work as tutors, health educators, counselors, art teachers, and dance instructors through the implementations of our Holistic Education Program in the village.

5. Start several more small businesses to further drive commerce for the community

We aren't afraid to dream big! One of our first projects was to build a convenience store, which provided income for an entire family. Our goal is to continue to promote the establishment of small, family-run businesses in the area to encourage community growth. Our women'scurrent ideas include a produce stand, a hair salon, and a meat market business. 

6. Continue preventing the transmission of HIV to hundreds of babies through our Nutrition Program

Our Nutrition Program is one of our most successful and important programs in Mozambique. What started as a campaign to provide emergencyfoodaid during the hunger crisis (our #FeedMozambique campaign) has grown into a sustainableprogram that provides families, HIV+ women, and children with the education they need to stay healthy. 

7. Fund Percina's trip(S) to the US!

In 2016 and 2017, our co-founder Percina was able to travel to the U.S. to attend conferences with Elisabetta and meet some of our biggestsupporters!This year, we are hoping to bring her back TWO times, to participate in conferences, meet donors, and make new friends. Percina has overcome so much and traveling to the US is not only incredibly exciting for her, but gives her the opportunity to share her story with others, speak at events, and add momentum to our campaign launches.

8. Double our Giveback Partner number! 

Our Giveback Partners are the backbone of our organization. Through their support, we're able to raise awareness and money for the work we do in Mozambique. The bigger our Giveback Partner base, the more we're able to accomplish! We're hoping to partner with even more women-leaders and entrepreneurs to create even more change this year! 

(If you're interested in learning more about our Giveback Partner program or signing up, click here!)

9. Grow our US Based team

Even though the majority of our team is on the ground in Mozambique, we are hoping to strengthen our presence in the US by adding a few more members to our team. So far, Elisabetta has hired two new team members, a graphic designer, and a bookkeeper,and hopes to grow our team even more. Growing our team allows Elisabetta to spend more time creating new programs and working on the ground with the women we serve.

10. Host our First Ever Empowerment Trip!

We are SO excited about this goal. Although the details are yet to be released, we can't wait to tell you more. Community is one of Kurandza's most valued tools- we love facilitating events and organizing ways for women to come together to be inspired and make a difference together. Our Empowerment Trips will do just that. Stay tuned!

These goals are only possible through the support of our incredible community. We have big dreams for Mozambique, and we can't wait to partner with you to make them come true!


Giveback Partner Spotlight: Clarissa Rodriguez of SheRocks@College


Kurandza's Impact Report