Giveback Partner Spotlight: Kate Matheson


We are so excited to introduce one of our newest partners for this month’s Giveback Partner Spotlight! Kate Matheson owns a coaching company, Matheson & Co, for hardworking health and wellness practitioners who need help building an amazing business. We are so happy and excited to have Kate on our team of partners! Be sure to check out Kate’s website and Instagram where she shares awesome referral guides, online training sessions, and different ways to work with her for your business. Sit back and enjoy the interview!

Can you tell us about your company, Matheson & Co.? What was your main motivation for starting your own business? 

Matheson & Co. is my coaching and consulting company where I teach business education to health and wellness practitioners who are wanting to see more bookings, more consistently and turn their true passions into lucrative, full-time careers.  

I have always known I'd be an entrepreneur. My parents have been lifelong entrepreneurs (both of them actually have "side hustles" along with their full-time business right now). I had little businesses growing up and I basically just never stopped. This is my 5th business I've built in the past decade, which sounds crazy but I often run 2-3 simultaneously...which may actually sound crazier haha. I sincerely love so much about entrepreneurship. The freedom and control and that it lets me tap into both creative and analytical sides of my brain. I feel such a buzz of energy and inspiration when I'm building an idea to fruition. And a few years I ago I realized I feel that same buzz helping others do the same. 

This current business came from my real desire to do something more. To use my gifts to help people live a life that makes them feel excited and fulfilled. I've spent a lot of time in the health and wellness world over the years (and my husband is a Chiropractor). It's an industry that SO many people need these days. There is such demand and opportunity but most practitioners are self-employed and yet never really learned the business side.  They don't know how to make the most of the opportunity they have. And honestly, this community of incredible healers has given me so much over the years.  This business is my way of giving back and my way of advocating for health and wellness. Click here to join my Thriving Healthpreneurs Community on Facebook.

You work with health and wellness practices to help build amazing businesses and lifestyles. What is your number one tip to these practitioners to balance life and work?

Take control. The beauty of being your own boss is that YOU get to be in control. Control of how you operate, how and when you work, who you work with, how much money you make...for better or worse, it's all up to you. It took me a long time (and many businesses) to really figure that out. If you don't step up for yourself NOW and actively decide all these things, other's will decide them for you. Your business will be dictated by your clients, your competition, your colleagues and it'll never be exactly what you wanted it to be. It's how we become resentful of our businesses rather than fulfilled by them.

The first step in that is knowing exactly what you want. The vision you have for your practice and for your life. From there you can start to build a framework that actually supports that.

Why is women empowerment important to you and how do you utilize that in your business? 

It's interesting, growing up, I always felt I had so much power as a woman. That I was limitless in my potential. I can fully thank my mom for that. She taught me (whether consciously or not) that women can do anything men do AND we also had femininity on our side. Our extra super power.  As I got older, I learned that not all women feel or hold that same power.

In University my minor was Social and Environmental Business Strategy and I saw once again just how powerful women can be when they're given even an inch. When given some education, a loan, an opportunity, they can create so much. Since then, I've had this inner rumbling to help women have more of these opportunities to feel the same sense of power and control I do. It's why 75% of my client base is women and I find such a sincere joy in helping them step into their power as badass entrepreneurs and healers. It's why I was so excited to work with Kurandza.

You just became a Giveback Partner with Kurandza! Yay, we're so excited to have you! What does being a Kurandza Giveback Partner mean to you and your clients?

It's a really exciting step for me for a few reasons. Like I said above, one of the best parts of being your own boss is you get to control what your business looks like. And in this business I wanted to actively create a triple (or even quadruple) bottom line. Where I can help myself have the life I want, I can help my clients, the people they serve and beyond. Working with Kurandza is the first step in this "beyond" and there's so much more I want to do.

I also love (and know my clients do too) that Kurandza has created the Holistic Education Program that goes beyond the classroom to open up doors in health, wellness, business, leadership, arts and sports. To really show allow these girls to see the power and opportunity they have.

There are so many incredible organizations out there! What inspired you to choose to work with Kurandza? 

So many things! I love that you're a small grassroots organization started and run by a young female. I love that I see the passion you bring to your business - it's inspiring and authentic. The projects you have, particularly the Holistic Education Program, the impact you've already made and your overall business model is exciting to me. The concept of Giveback Partners I think is brilliant. I know there's a lot of business owners like me out there who want to add some sort of giveback model into their business and you make it so easy. I've been really impressed so far and can't wait to be involved more. :) 

We are almost halfway through the year! What are your top 3 goals for the rest of the year for Matheson & Co.?

This year has been a really BIG year for me personally and professionally. I moved my business completely online in the Fall of 2018 because we were moving to Beijing. It's been an adjustment all around in a really fun way. My goals for the rest of this year are both personal and professional:

  1. My personal goal for the year was to do my yoga teacher training (finally) and I'm so excited to be jumping in mid June in Indonesia. It was a big decision to put my Matheson & Co. responsibilities aside for a month to pursue this but again...we're in control and I wanted to do it. So I'm doing it :).

  2. I'd really like to find and/or create a local business community here in Beijing. It can be a lonely life working online, in a new city, in your own business so I'm making it a real mission in Q3 to find an IRL biz squad.

  3. The online portion of my business is still new so I'm working to revamp my Booked Up Blueprint program and optimize my ads for that funnel. 

Click here to read about another one of Kurandza’s amazing giveback partners, Stephanie Rubio of Soverve marketing group.

Are you interested in learning more about our Giveback Partner program? Click here!


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