2018 #IStandForGirls Campaign Recap


We did it! Because of YOU, we succeeded in securing scholarships for all 200 girls in Mozambique! This means that we will be able to provide school fees, books, uniforms, backpacks, school supplies, and transportation to 200 girls so that they will be able to get an education in Mozambique!

We reached our goal because of the amazing Kurandza community of supporters and this post is meant to give everyone involved a recap of what their participation helped achieve and say a huge THANK YOU to each and every person involved. 

But first, a little bit of background about the #IStandForGirls campaign.


Last year we launched our first annual #IStandForGirls Campaign with the goal of providing scholarships to 100 underprivileged girls in Mozambique. Because of our incredible community, we reached the goal! 100 girls ranging from kindergarten all the way up through high school have been in school for the past year because of you! These girls have increased their confidence and self-esteem, are learning Portuguese (Mozambique’s national language) and some are even starting to learn English, and they are dreaming for the future!

This year, we launched our second annual #IStandForGirls campaign and we were ambitious this yearβ€” we doubled our goal from last year and raised scholarships for 200 girls!

Women (and men) from across the world took part in this powerful campaign and flooded social media with the message that education matters!

Take a look below at how this campaign will impact 200 girls in Mozambique who start the next school year in February!

We had multiple types of sponsors and want to take a moment to thank them all personally here. Be sure to check out each of their wonderful businesses, blogs, brands, and more. 

Thank you to our #IStandForGirls Giveback Partners for your commitment to support Kurandza through your business: 

Click here for more information on how to become a Giveback Partner!

Thank you to everyone who Sponsored one of the 200 girls during the campaign and those who made a onetime donation: 

Thank you to all of our continuing and repeat donors and sponsors below! We are so grateful for your ongoing support!

Thank you to all of our new sponsors and donors! We’re so excited to welcome you!

  • Andrea and Alex Sardi

  • Katherine Hartsell

  • Stephanie Mulhall

  • Kim Kim HΓ€nggi

  • Diane Pekmezian

  • Sophie Jane Mortimer

  • Carly Mask

  • Christina Conlin

  • Nicole Erlach

  • Izabelle Azevedo

  • Jessica MacMillan

  • Jessi Timmons

  • Rachel Bascetta

  • Shelley Rivelli

  • Ashley Stuver

  • Skylar Thornton

  • Anyeli Matos

  • Thatianna Le

  • Quyen Le

  • Daniella Ambrosino-Zeito

  • Roxanne Ruby

  • Tess Ambrosino-Zeito

  • Brooke Markevicius

  • Katy Schlegel

  • Katy and Nick Peters

  • Melinda Snow

  • Elisa Reale

  • Emily Pack

  • The Prajna Initiative

  • Laura Burbano

  • Kendra Charts

  • Julia Tobin

  • Michele Arellano

  • Olivia Youngs

  • Isha Quitine

  • Joaquin Floreis

  • Crystal Cabansag

  • Tiffany Klein

  • Ruth Langford

  • Shannon Murray

  • Monica Sardi

  • Julia Hay

  • Adrienne Sholzberg

  • Catarina Andrade

  • Alejandra Nann

  • Liv Hadden

  • Kayla Ho

  • Dennis Lee

  • Crystalee Beck

  • RenΓ©e Janes

  • Tara Bradford

  • Kelli Slattery

  • Sean Rotermund

  • Jordan Bracamonte

  • Tiffany Johnson

  • Dianna Novela

  • Denise Duffield Thomas

  • Iain Percy

  • Tess Keefe

  • Joanie Ciardelli

  • Molly Stillman

  • Melissa Monroy

  • David Friel

  • Bob and Joanie Mengarelli

  • Michelle Vantwoud

  • Stephen and Stef

  • Nicole Devereaux

  • Christine Erlach

  • Debbie Oneill

  • Sherry Zarabi

  • Katrina Bush

  • Jean Khuu

  • Kaithleen Apostol

  • Nora Szanto

  • Diane Pekmezian

  • Teddy Droseros

  • Naava Frank

  • Ashley Robertson

  • Sharon Zweig

  • Jamie Johnson

  • Jennifer Rulf

  • Flor Pratto

  • Vasa Ighanian

  • Jessica Perkins

  • Julie Miller

  • Lindsay Gower

  • Mackenzie Allen

  • Simon Hudes

  • Adrienne Sholzberg

  • Lauren Anderson

  • Stephanie Green

  • Cindi Zitzelberger

  • Susie Baldwin

  • Lllacer Fernando

  • Eva Scepanova

  • Nicole Broyles

  • Tara Kemp

  • Joan Van Horn

  • Eric Covino

  • Gianna Bellino

Thank you to the following amazing women who joined our launch team and helped spread the word!

Shannon Murray, Megan Faletra, Melissa Monroy, Asia Faoro, Hannah Peters, Nicole Devereaux, Amanda Howell, Stephanie Huff, Taryn Himmelright, Sarah Vega, Jacqline Murillo, Mary Reisert, Ashley Ayala, Manushka Hector, Meagan Mae, Dieulita Datus, Stephanie Mulhall, Alix Good, Alexandra and Andrea Sardi, Paula Orozco Newell, Lindsay Cornish, Maria Bailey, Tara Newman, Adrienne Sholzberg, Jessica Christian, KC McCormick Ciftci, Mandi Holmes, Kim Aimi, Aris Hatcher, Lili Lieber, Theresa Dickerson, Bianca Dike, Meghan Stevenson-Krausz, Jacqueline Rowland, Claudia Consolati, Tara Bradford, Kat McEachern, Sina Helmke, Jess Poon, Crystalee Beck, Keneshia Raymond, Izabelle Azevedo, Anna Mills, Olivia Defilippo, Angel Renee, Julia Tobin, Danielle Peloe, Jess Beutler, Kate Decker, Nicole Melancon, Naa Quaye, Stephanie Rubio, Valerie Baker, Maria Herrera, Nicole Frank, Crystal Irom, Dianna Novela, Sameena Bemat, Bety Tesfay, Jessica Ourisman, Cassandra Le, Cassidy Perry, Leah Froehle, Emily Perron Sandager, Natalia Zigante, Isa Welly Locoh-Donou, Marisa Mandlate, Julia Penn, Briena Sash, Allison Juarez, Kate Crocco, Brandilyn Davidson, Olivia Wickstrom, Marta Herrera RodrΓ­guez, Alyssa Coleman, Praise Santos, Rachel Benbrook, Maggie Lee, Jella Jornales, Emily Pack, Kyra Klopp, Carly Mask, Melissa Olivera, Katt Aubry, Alicia Palomares, Jessica Perkins, Addie Fisher, Isa Bustos, Esther Meyers, Clarissa Rodriguez, Noelle Bloom, Kath Hartsell, Adeline Ganley, Kshitij Pipaleshwar, Lexi Truesdale, Daniella Ambrosino, Molly Stillman, Emily Cretella, Amanda Correia, Zayna S., Safiya Bouhouch, Amy Everhart, Elizabeth Bruno, Crystal Cabansag, Elysse Crabtree, Lisa Carey, Vashti Collins, Elyse McDonald, Debrina Wright, Amber Boyers, Olivia Youngs, Melissa Wong, Nicki Patel (Milo + Nicki), Erin Galbraith, Paola Berisso, Janna Barker, Lauren Wallis, Estelle Ventura, and Sophie Jane Mortimer.

Click here for more information about joining next year's #IStandForGirls Launch Team!

A big thank you to everyone who wrote about our campaign on their blog: 

If you partnered with us by sharing in other ways, like Instagram stories, Facebook posts, and of course, word of mouth, we can't thank you enough!

And finally, a HUGE thank you to the talented ladies who created the beautiful graphics and photos for our campaign:

The success of our first #IStandForGirls campaign is proof that our community is powerful and that when so many incredible people unite, real lives of girls who need your help are changed. 

Now, who is ready for NEXT YEAR?!

Mark your calendars for September 1st, 2019! Sign-up for the 2019 launch team here!


Making an Impact for Giving Tuesday!


#IStandForGirls: Meet Our Pre-schoolers!