On the blog

Impact Alexandra Sardi Impact Alexandra Sardi

Kurandza's Top Ten Goals for 2018

A few weeks ago we shared our Impact Report thus far, and, as inspiring as it is to look back on what we've been able to accomplish with the help of our supporters, we are even more excited to look forwardWe are almost a month into 2018 and we think it's the perfect time to keep the momentum of a new year going by making our goals public.

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Impact Alexandra Sardi Impact Alexandra Sardi

Kurandza's Impact Report

In a short time, Kurandza has come a long way. If you follow us on Instagram, you have heard a bit about our founder, Elisabetta, and our Country Director, Percina's stories. Just in case you missed it, we will sum it all up by saying that Kurandza hasn't come to fruition overnight. Years of hard work, dreaming, and collaboration has led us to where we are today. 

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Kurandza Alexandra Sardi Kurandza Alexandra Sardi

3 Non-Material Gift Ideas That Give Back

Christmas is only a few days away (eeeek!) and more than likely, you've been swamped with gift guides and sales and are just about "shopped out" for the season. Or, maybe you're one of the last-minute shoppers who hope to gather some quick inspiration for meaningful gifts that won't end up in the garage sale pile after a few months. We have four words for you: gifts that give back.

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Kurandza Alexandra Sardi Kurandza Alexandra Sardi

We're Hiring!

The Kurandza team is hiring an awesome virtual assistant!

The Role: We’re looking for a passionate and enthusiastic Virtual Assistant who will provide administrative and logistical support to Kurandza’s Founder, Elisabetta. This person will be able to successfully work alongside Elisabetta and her team in Mozambique, as well as be strongly self-motivated and able to get work done without close supervision. If this sounds like you and you have a desire to make a positive impact in the world, and are easy and fun to work with, then we’re looking for you!

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Impact Alexandra Sardi Impact Alexandra Sardi

Big Changes for Kurandza!

This year Kurandza is going to be showing up a little differently from what you're used to. In the past we have been able to impact our community using funding primarily from selling handmade products that our women in Mozambique make! This form of funding has been an amazing way to raise seed funding for our organization, and we have seen that by shifting models we can make even more of an impact!

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#FeedMozambique Alexandra Sardi #FeedMozambique Alexandra Sardi

Update on the #FeedMozambique Campaign

I recently got back from being in Mozambique for a month to help with the current hunger crisis. The #FeedMozambique campaign was something that I started because of how I felt after hearing stories about the hunger crisis on phone calls back to Mozambique, but after seeing it with my own two eyes, I truly understand what the situation is like and how important this work is.

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